Hello again!
Thursday the temple went well. I know Heavenly Father is helping us in the details of our lives. I know He won't give us things we can't handle, and if it is a lot, He will help us.
Friday I missed some of a lesson with family search so a sister stayed behind to help me. Thankful for her.
Saturday I helped a little with everything in the laundry which was fun.
Sunday we had another devotional. One of these days I'll have to get a picture with Sis. Andrus, everyone thinks we are companions.
Sister Eubanks talk:
- -When we have His power, what do we do with it? Do we use His power to help others?
- -When we don't use the atonement, we are wasting it.
- -What does the Abraham covenant look like in our every day life?
- -Wait upon the Lord. When others are with us during our trials, it might help. *
- -One person saw another struggling and helped. Let others help. (that's ministering)
- -Christ has already paid for our sins, and yet we still carry around __lbs of weight? Part of a story*
- -Our joy can help others have joy in their lives.
Scripture thought: Alma 31:33 Wilt thou grant unto them that they may have strength, that they may bear their afflictions...35 Behold, O Lord, their souls are precious...38...he also gave them strength, and they did suffer no manner of afflictions, save it were swallowed up in the joy of Christ...
I have noticed that as I have served, I have found people who seem extra happy and grateful. It makes me want to strive harder to be better.
Sister Gill
-Up canyon last Tuesday
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