Thursday, October 22, 2020

Homecoming Talk October 11, 2020

Hello, good almost noon. I am sister Jessica Gill. I just completed my 18-month service mission. I have always had a desire to serve. When I first heard it would be service, it was a little hard for me. But with a little prayer and the Holy Spirit's guidance, I went through with it. Our service missionary purpose is to help others come unto Christ by serving them as the Savior would. We serve voluntarily in charitable organizations, church functions, and within the community. To minister in His name to the one, just as He did. Expressing His loving kindness. That is what all the service missionaries in our mission tried to do each day. I found it a great joy in serving others.

Today I am speaking on the Holy Ghost. As a service missionary, I did not get a sister companion because we all served at different locations throughout the week, but I got the Holy Ghost as a stronger influence for me during this special time. For me, I feel like I get the help of the Holy Ghost through thoughts and feelings.

Places I served were at the temple, family history center, food pantry and family place.  When I served at the family history center I liked to index, watching preserved videos from previous brothers and sisters family and transferring picture films to CDs and similar things.

When I was getting trained on the devices, an older brother shared a few preserved videos, one of them was a guy in his 40’s to 50’s. He had pancreatic cancer. It seemed like everything was okay for 15 years. Then found out it spread all throughout him. He was told he only had a few months to live. He passed away in December 2018. You could tell he was a humorous, humble man. The Holy Ghost was very strong while watching that video. I am thankful I got to hear his story.

At the temple, my Grandma Gill came with me every week. I am very thankful she attended 
sessions with me. I also helped in the temple laundry. I got told specific ways to fold each thing and where they put it away. The temple is a house of order. I miss the people I served there with. They were Christlike sisters and taught me how to live the gospel a little better.
Once when I went into the temple laundry, it was very busy. They had a big line for the dirty
baptism clothes and were going as fast as they could. We did not quite have enough clean
clothes for the baptistry yet. When they came down for a second time, we didn’t see any 
clothes, yet somehow there was the exact number they needed to complete their cart to have

I served in the food pantry by sorting cans and produce. I mainly sorted produce with another
sister, she was an example of hard work and determination. Towards the end of my mission I
helped with the grocery carts. By doing that on each cart there was a labeled color on the cart
handle. Each color had a certain amount of each food that needed to go in the cart, which was
labeled by each food.

During the Christmas season a lady came in and needed some help. She and her daughter were living out of their car. We were able to help them find a few needs and able to find a few things for her daughter for Christmas.

At the family place two sisters and I did crafts. They liked to listen to a lot of Disney oriented
things. I liked to paint a lot. We spray painted a cardboard train they made and later painted
some Disney card board cartoon props. When it was the Christmas season, they had a lot of
gifts they needed help with. It was fun to wrap, count and organize the gifts the families

When quarantine started, I got the thought to get out some Christmas puzzles that I got and do them. That helped me grow closer to my family as they decided to help me. Eventually we got five or more done. It was a fun little activity to do together. One of them is glued, framed and hangs in my room currently.

I got called as the first sister leader in our district in the end of my mission when our mission
split to north and south Logan. I along with about 5 sisters was in the south. I was able to gain
confidence in that by knowing he is okay with my decisions. It was also good because I was able to learn more how to help others and be guided in thought and feeling as to who needed help in certain situations.

In alma 37:6 it says in small and simple ways are great things come to pass. I like that scripture because there wasn’t very many huge things that happened, but it was the little things that meant the most to me and went a long ways for others.

Through my mission I learned that the Holy Ghost is a real companion. We do have a Heavenly Father who loves us deeply, so much that He sent His son to atone for the world. Because of Jesus Christ’s atonement he can understand me perfectly. I know Jesus Christ lives today. I know Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us. He knows our thoughts, feelings, and desires. And He will use the Holy Ghost to guide and direct us through promptings.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Week 78 Mission Accomplished

 Hey everyone! 

As you can see from the title, this is my last email. Crazy that it has already been 18 months. This week was pretty typical so instead of sharing my week, I'm sharing a few notes and my testimony. 

From General Conference: Our Spirits are longing to grow and we have help from the other side of the veil. Prepare continually every needful thing. When we are prepared, we do not fear. What am I willing to change to be closer to Him? I may not be able to make it all the way right now, but I can make the next step. Be of good cheer! 
I'm thankful I've gotten to know the Holy Ghost better as He has been a bigger influence as my only companion on my mission. I'm thankful for the people I've gotten to know serving here locally that I wouldn't otherwise meet. Every person has had an impact on me. I am thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and His atoning sacrifice. I know Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us. He knows our thoughts, feelings and desires. He hears and answers our prayers. During my mission I have had little impressions that the things I have been taught are true. As long as we try, we will have His help. I'm thankful for all the little tender mercies that have occurred. I'm thankful for this type of mission. I know Jesus Christ lives today and our Heavenly Father loves us each. 

I got released this weekend. I am planning on attending Pathway Connect online starting January and finding a job hopefully soon. Please change your contact for me to my other email.

Last scripture thought: Mosiah 27:37 And how blessed are they! For they did publish peace; they did publish good tidings of good; and they did declare unto the people that the Lord reigneth.

Happy October! 
Sister Gill 

P.S. I don't know yet, but if you'd like an invite if I am asked to speak in church, please let me know. 

Week 77 Always Have His Spirit To Be With Us


Tuesday we weren't at the temple for long, they didn't have much for us to do. We deadheaded flowers for an hour by a hill. 
Wednesday evening I had my last Elders and Sisters combined district council. We talked about the Holy Ghost. A question that was asked, What connects you to the Holy Ghost? For me: music, prayer and talks. D&C 20:77,79 when willing to take upon His name, remember Him and keep His commandments we are promised to always have His Spirit to be with usThe Holy Ghost has been a huge impact on my mission. Instead of getting a human companion, the Holy Ghost has been mine. I'm thankful for having him as a bigger influence for me during this specific time. 
Friday at the food pantry I got about half the grocery carts done before it was time to close. (Putting groceries in carts based off of amounts through color coding.)
Saturday with proselytizing sisters: Ether 12:26-28 and D&C 6:26. (You can read those if you'd like.)
Sunday I had the chance to give the opening prayer and my dad gave the closing in sacrament meeting. 

Scripture thought: D&C 38:7 But behold, verily, verily, I say unto you that mine eyes are upon you. I am in your midst and ye cannot see me;

Happy Fall! 
Sister Gill 

From family walk Sunday. (Hopefully they turned out correctly.)

Week 76 Offerings and Sacrifices

 Hey everyone! 

Tuesday we raked leaves and dirt at the temple president's house across the temple. 
Friday I filled the grocery carts the entire time at the food pantry. 
Sunday my sister and I read in the New Testament Matthew 27, Christ's sacrifices through pain (they put thorns on His head, mocked, spit and smote Him) and how obedient He was through it. How thankful we are that He went through with what He did, and because of Christ and His sacrifices we can return to our Father in Heaven. 
Monday (today) at institute we talked about 6 different types of offerings. When you sacrifice something, it should be yours to give. About halfway through the week, I chose to give something up for a little time and I can already feel His Spirit a little more. He recognizes every little effort we make. 

Scripture thought: D&C 37:4 Behold, here is wisdom, and let every man choose for himself until I come. Even so. Amen. 
This scripture reminds me of the importance of agency. Part of God's plan in the premortal life is to have each person be able to choose for yourself. I'm thankful for that. 

Hope you're all doing well! 
Sister Gill 

Week 75 By Words and Deeds

 Hey again! 

Tuesday Sister Mason and I went and picked up pine cones and raked from the night before storm at the temple. It wasn't bad, just a little messy from the wind. 
Wednesdays institute we talked about the importance of names. How Adam named the animals and Eve, Eve represents mother of all living things, and how everything we listen to and watch (words) has a reflection of who we are, what we stand for and what we tolerate. 
Friday I did several things at the food pantry. The most exciting was using a pallet jack to move the pallets of food to sweep under them. I haven't used one of those in like 3 years so that was fun. 
Sunday there was stake conference held online, I liked as life gets crazy, keep close to the Savior and He will give us peace and help. Also from Elder Rasband's devotional the question why do we stay in the church? I do because of the peace I feel and it makes sense to me. Sister Rasband shared that she is grateful to be a female and the roles she loves that she gets because of being a female. 

Scripture thought: D&C 31:11 Go your way whithersoever I will, and it shall be given you by the Comforter what you shall do and whither you shall go. 12 Pray always, lest you enter into temptation and lose your reward.13 Be faithful unto the end, and lo, I am with you. These words are not of man nor of men, but of me, even Jesus Christ, your Redeemer, by the will of the Father. Amen. 35:19....and it shall be given by the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, that knoweth all things.

Hope your all doing well! 
Sister Gill 


Week 74 Last Full Month

 Hey all! 

Crazy to know I'm in the last full month of my 18 month mission! I'm thankful for the chance I've had to serve others as my Savior would! 
Tuesday we weeded and deadheaded flowers by the baptistry. I also met one of the Elders. I think he's new to the mission. 
Wednesday I started 2 new institute classes both in person (one on Monday). It opened my eyes a little to who our Heavenly Mother is, Eve's role, and Adam's role before Eve. In the evening we had our district council by video call, we've got a new sister so that was fun to see her. There also was a new sister leader called to take my place. I'm thankful for the chance I had to be called as the first sister leader in the South Service Mission District ever. I'm excited to help the new one also. 
Friday I sorted but instead of cans, it was extreme bubble wrapped dry foods. I thought I'd do it alone, but I had help from 4ish people which made it a little more fun. 

Scripture thought: D&C 29:5 Lift up your hearts and be glad, for I am in your midst, and am your advocate with the Father; and it is his good will to give you the kingdom. 6 And, as it is written—Whatsoever ye shall ask in faith, being united in prayer according to my command, ye shall receive. 

Hope you have a good week! 
Sister Gill 

-Flower from temple 

Week 73 Scripture stories the Spirit tells to me

Hey everyone! 

This week I started reading Saints. Also when reading in 1st Nephi I got a prompting once again that the Book of Mormon is true. It always seems to be when reading about Lehi (and his family). He was a great man. He's one of my favorites in the scriptures. Thankful for that. Food pantry went well. I sorted cans again by myself. It's been a minute so it was nice to mix things up. :) 

In church Sunday our bishop talked about the importance of ministry and how every step of it makes a difference. From Come, Follow Me: "How might you create a habit of pondering?" He shares that he usually picks one specific verse in the scriptures and studies that for a week. How it makes a difference within 6 months and years to come. (My Heart Pondereth Them Continually By Brother Durrant Nov. 2015 Ensign) 

Scripture thought: D&C 21:9 For, behold, I will bless all those who labor in my vineyard with a mighty blessing, and they shall believe on his words, which are given him through me by the Comforter, which manifesteth that Jesus was crucified by sinful men for the sins of the world, yea, for the remission of sins unto the contrite heart.

Stay safe and keep healthy! 
Sister Gill 

Week 72 Beginnings of a new book

 Hey again! 

Tuesday Sister Mason and I deadhead the flowers in front of the temple again. 
Wednesday after our district council another sister and I went on a small walk/hike up the canyon. 
Friday I filled the carts with groceries again at the food pantry by myself. Towards the end I swept part of the floor. 
Sunday from Come, Follow Me I liked Helaman 3:35 because when you want to improve with something or get stronger you have to work at it to improve. They prayed and fasted and got stronger in humility and firmer in their faith in Christ. They gained joy that comes from Christ. (If you want to, you can look that scripture up.) 
My sister and I have also started reading the doctrine and covenants this past week. We noticed it repeatedly shares pieces of D&C 4 (mission chapter); the importance of the plan of salvation; Ask then receive, knock and it will be open. 

Scripture thought: D&C 6:18 Therefore be diligent; stand by my servant Joseph, faithfully, in whatsoever difficult circumstances he may be for the word’s sake.19 Admonish him in his faults, and also receive admonition of him. Be patient; be sober; be temperate; have patience, faith, hope and charity.
I love those two verses for a few different reasons. I've had many times that I've felt strongly Joseph Smith was called to be the first prophet of God and to restore the church especially during my mission. Also, we all have struggles, but I love that it says to be kind and help each other. 

Hope you're all keeping healthy and happy! 
Sister Gill 

Week 71 Go and Do

 Hey all! 

I don't have tons to share from this week. I've been thinking a lot about the talk good, better, best by Elder Oaks and Elder Holland's video about a father and son taking a drive. Finding two roads, taking one and finding out that's a dead end so going and taking another. They felt they should go the one way so they would know without doubt the other way was the correct one. Both of those topics have been heavy on my mind. 
From Come, Follow Me both of us (my sister and I) liked how when they fought, they had God's strength and support, so they did not fall. 
Sunday church notes: -We may not be able to fully help someone, but we can help them know Christ can fully. -Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not Fear not. D&C 6:36

Scripture thought: 1st Ne. 3:7 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.
I know that no matter what happens, if we do what he asks and follow His way, He will help us and we will find a way to accomplish what life throws at us. (This year's youth theme is also go and do.) 

Hope you all have a good week! 
Sister Gill 

Week 70 Butterflies Are Miracles

 Hi everyone! 

Tuesday Sisters Snider, Mason and I pruned bushes and dead headed the dead flower heads at the temple. We saw a moth that we originally thought was a butterfly. It's a pretty moth for it being that. Then we went up to a cave type thing.
Wednesday my sister and I worked on primary kits for a primary in my stake. It was fun to get my sister involved with that. We painted little blocks yellow. They are for Christmas. 
Friday Sister Snider and I did the grocery carts. We go in a line and on the handle of the carts is a color taped to it. Each grocery has taped above it 3 different colors based on the carts handle and it tells how many of each we need. We collect them one by one. After that we put them in the finished carts line which is at the end. Organized by color. 
Sunday when talking virtually to sister missionaries, she shared her miracle was seeing a butterfly again. She shares that as a miracle every week. The simple things are big things. 

Scripture thought: Moroni 7:19 Wherefore, I beseech of you, brethren, that ye should search diligently in the light of Christ that ye may know good from evil; and if ye will lay hold upon every good thing, and condemn it not, ye certainly will be a child of Christ. 

Hope you all have a good week! 
Sister Gill 


-Little sunset 

-Quote from Cave area. 


-Temple grounds flowering 

Week 69 The earth will never again be the same


On Tuesday we weeded again at the temple. It sprinkled a little but it was nice. 
Wednesday from district council: The Holy Ghost helps us make decisions and keeps us out of trouble (when trying continually). 
Thursday I liked studying the new revelation: "The earth will never again be the same." It reminded me of Pres. Nelson's questions, "How precious is the Book of Mormon to you? If you were offered diamonds or rubies or the Book of Mormon,..Which is of greater worth to you? First..What would your life be like without the Book of Mormon? Second, what would you not know? And third, what would you not have?" It made me think about how grateful I am to have the gospel in my life. 
Friday at the food pantry we did the grocery carts again and put them in the line then cleaned. 
Sundays reminders from church: -Worship makes things easier. -It's important to have that place of quiet and peace for prayer and for Him. -He is proud of our every little efforts. -He is constantly listening to us and knows us. Pray for revelation. 

Scripture thought: Moroni 6:9 And their meetings were conducted by the church after the manner of the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them whether to preach, or to exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate, or to sing, even so it was done. 

Hope you're all doing good! 
Sister Gill