Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Week 11 Four Temple Days

First off I didn't go to the history center this week. So it was 2 assignments this week. Also this weeks is little long again. 
Tuesday I did confirmations with Ashlee. 
Wednesday I went through my favorite temple (Salt Lake) and it was nothing short of amazing and spiritual. There's a lot I could share but I'll try to keep it short. First of all I didn't eat before the session (we went to the noon session) so I was a little nervous about that. When we went in it's a live session so it helped me relate a little more to it. It also helped me because Adam and Eve were actual people so it helped me visualize it a little better. The words towards the end I struggle with and somehow with little energy I was able to remember like 83% of it and do it on my own. The words just kind of came to me. It amazed me! When we got out everyone said the Spirit was very strong (maybe because of unity). Then we ate. Both before and after we walked around temple square. I'll share a few pictures below. Also, I carpooled with a sister in my ward that I actually know pretty well and my previous bishop and his wife. So that was fun. 
Thursday I went with my grandma again to the temple. I'm thankful for her! The session was good. It was a nice, quiet, small evening. 
Saturday morning "$15 dollars can't buy happiness" came into my mind so I read the talk "casual vs careful" and the talk "Christ: The Light that shines in darkness." Volunteering at the temple went well. I met with the sisters in the evening and I talked to them about some experiences that have been really hard. They shared their testimony and showed me a video. The Spirit filled the room. I know that Christ lives. I know He loves us. I know we have a Father in Heaven who loves us deeply. He will help us when trials are hard. He gives us challenges and callings to help us grow. I'm thankful for prayer. I know He is aware of our wants and needs. I'm thankful for Him and His help whether through materials or people. I know it's my time to serve, and everything happens in His time and way. I love the sisters!  I'm thankful I met with them tonight, it was needed!
Sunday was my team teachers last official Sunday. She has helped me a lot, mainly when I struggle with knowing how to say/explain things to the kids, steps in and helps. I will miss her! My used to be mission president shared D&C 108 and loved it, so I challenge you to read it. Also, Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers! You are loved and appreciated! 

Thanks for keeping up with my letters! 
Sister Jessica Gill 

Pictures are from: 
-Visitors center, Church office, Tabernacle
-Sunset from few days ago 

Thanks for all the support! Make sure you put "Reply Jessica" and not everyone. Thanks for taking the time to read! 

Sister Gill

Week 10 Two new callings

Hi everyone! Hope all is well with you. 
This weeks is a little longer. 
Wednesday I shadowed Elder Waldron. He does computer ware/transferring devices. It was fun to learn. Towards the end he showed me a few videos of peoples stories of trials and life. It was really humbling to watch and the Spirit got strong during one guys (he struggled off and on with cancer.). 
Thursday was really nice at the temple. It was needed. During initiatory I opened and loved Alma 57:27-36. 
Saturday June 8th I ended up getting set apart as a temple worker in the laundry. I didn't expect that to happen. They told me they will see how I like it then set me apart a few weeks later (today was my first day). But I'm thankful that He is in charge and it happened today. I love the temple and excited to start with this new adventure. I learned how to fold a few clothes for baptistery and organize the dirty clothes into hampers from sessions. I hope I can eventually be a ordinance worker but I am thankful to be able to do this. Also met with new sisters since the previous one's have left this area.
Sunday I met with my bishop and thought it was an update for my mission but ended up being set apart for my 2nd calling (library assistant with my sister, Ashlee.) For those who don't know I am a primary teacher (6-8 yrs old). My team teacher is moving and my dads work schedules changing (he was in the library with Ashlee) so I will be switching back and forth and getting a new team teacher.  
Monday I gained a sister! We went through berries and threw out the bad. Then I helped Sister Andrus and a guy bag kids chips (can't remember his name, sorry). It was a nice change. 
And lastly a scripture, 1st Ne. 4:6 And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do. I've had this scripture on repeat in my head for half the last week. This past 2.5 months I have noticed His hand helping me more then I can count through the struggles.  

Hope you have a good week! 
Sister Jessica Gill 

-Temple name tag, I don't know why I like taking pictures of the name tags, but I think it's fun. 

Week 9 There is help all around

Hello! Hope you all had a good week. 
Wednesday was hard but I went to the tabernacle and there was a little concert going on. A lady pianist did some fun music and I was a little surprised that it was a bigger group/crowd. 
Thursday May 30th everything from the last few days was chaos. Between endowment and celestial part when I received help, the workers went slowly and quietly which helped me a lot to calm my mind. I love the temple! 
Friday in the training room I started helping one sister. I prayed for something a little different for the day. Pretty much the whole day every corner I turned someone came up to me and asked for help. I honestly didn't think I could but it ended up being things I mostly could. It was a little weird but in a good way.

Your favorite service missionary, 
Sister Jessica Gill

-Friday I went into the tabernacle for a minute. Ended up seeing a few tourists. There was a table of scriptures in different languages. That was fun. 

Week 8 A few firsts

Hello All! 
Wednesday I helped my first parton! 
I started out by forcing myself out of the training room and ended up shadowing a few different people for the first few hours. A staff member quietly ran up to me, told me my help was needed. The sister said "Yes, I want the 15 yr olds help! She's young so she knows electronics!" Made me laugh. I kind of got thrown at her. She needed help getting into her account since she forgot her passwords at home. I'm thankful they had me help her because it's basic and it's something I could do to help serve. Later I went and watched staff give a young family from China a tour of the tabernacle. 
Thursday, I love the temple! It's my favorite place to be! 
Friday I read memories of ancestors traveling which was inspiring and cool! Happy Memorial Day! 
Saturday I did initiatories and when I finished one name they had me switch booths. Half way through, the person was speaking Spanish. I found out that was supposed to be Spanish one but they were super short staffed so they had to do both. They let me read the English card throughout it which isn't normal so that was really cool. I know it doesn't matter the language, He speaks all languages and the Holy Ghost will testify it's truth. 
Lastly I refinished the Book Of Mormon Monday (27th) evening. From reading it I have gained a better relationship and come to know Him better. I have gained just a glimpse of His knowledge and love for us. I'm thankful for the scriptures! If you want to get to know your Heavenly Father and Savior, I suggest reading it. I know that because it's happened to me. 

Your favorite service missionary, 
Sister Jessica Gill 
-Last minute quote 

Week 7 Let the Holy Spirit Guide

Hello again! Might be a little longer. 
Tuesday was a little crazy but my sister really wanted to go to the temple so we did confirmations. 
Wednesday I mainly indexed. I noticed around 2:30 it looked like all the workers disappeared/left which was kind of early. I moved outside the training room to see if I could see anyone. About 5 minutes later I was going to leave but the sister sitting by me said she recognized me from the temple. She helped me with my tree a little. She landed on a female that had 15 duplicates and the husband had 5. She decided it was a little complicated. But I'm thankful for her attempt. 
Friday I started by going to a training class. I learned more things. On family search I connected two spouses and families. Sometimes it can be hard to ask for help. I feel like lately it gets hard, then I ask for help. It is silent but I eventually get help whether from a person or the Holy Ghost. I know I'm not alone. 
Saturday I decided I wasn't going to a session because it was really crowded just by walking in so I did initiatories. I wanted more names but they said they couldn't provide them (I had family names) but the sister behind me heard and let me do some of hers so I could do more. Thankful for that! Towards the end when I was listening the sister sounded really familiar. I noticed it was Lynn (from Wednesday)! I also seem to keep reading Alma 38 I noticed. It's a good chapter if your interested in reading it. 
Sunday at the mission meeting these are the notes I took 
-Nothing is to hard for the Lord. 
-The 3 most common things people get from the temple Peace, Learning and Patients. 
-Things to think about daily: 1 thing thankful for, 1 thing learned, 1 thing thankful for family/siblings wise. 
-Don't be afraid to accept a simple solution. 
-Don't give up! 
Monday I sorted cans with Courtney. It's been a while since I've seen her (I think my first week is the only time). She said she won't be able to come back until fall. I'll miss her but happy to see her today and get 2 hours of help. We got 2.5 pallets done with them being stacked as tall as me. 
Thanks for taking the time to read this! 

Sister Gill 

P.S. For those of you who like to respond, please do "Respond Jessica" and Not "Respond All" that way not everyone gets it. But thanks for the emails and all the responses! They are appreciated! 
Also, if anyone is ever up to doing a session with me Saturday morning/afternoons let me know. 

-I've had the title stuck in my head for a week

Week 6 Mothers Day & I'm advancing

Hello! This weeks may be a little longer. 

Wednesday May 8th I went over things then she told me I'm definitely ready to start shadowing (which I've felt ready for 1.5 wks). I got my training certificate. Little later I shadowed a guy. Right before shadowing she told me the guy has tattoos all down his arms and when she first noticed he got nervous and asked if he needed to leave or if its allowed. I thought it was sad he thought he might have to leave for something as small as his appearance. 
Friday was a little rough, I started listening to conference talks. Then I listened to a worker train a new sister and we both asked questions. After that we shadowed the worker, he helped an elderly couple get family search account. They were amazed with family tree. 

Saturday I did a session with a sister in my ward. It was packed. I think there was 3-4 new endowments. I think I overheard they were 5 seats short of a full session. We ended up sitting on the men's side with a few other sisters. Between endowment and celestial part I struggle with the words. The sister that helped me had a strong accent so it made it a little harder. But when I focused and really tried I was either able to understand her or figure it out on my own. Then initiatory was dead and within seconds I was in so I didn't have time to look over names. I quickly realized they were very hard names so I told them that I wasn't sure. They looked and said wow! Either hopefully they will have a good since of humor or will forgive us if we mispronounce them.. 

Sunday Mothers Day. A friend sent this to me to share with others so thought I'd share it with you. 
"Jeffrey R. Holland has said to mothers: “You are doing . . . wonderfully well. He is blessing you and He will bless you, even—no, especially—when your days and your nights may be the most challenging. Like the woman who anonymously, meekly, perhaps even with hesitation and some embarrassment, fought her way through the crowd just to touch the hem of the Master’s garment, so Christ will say to the women who worry and wonder and sometimes weep over their responsibility as mothers, ‘Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole’” (“Because She Is a Mother”)."

Also please know whether your a mom or not you are loved, appreciated and needed. 

Hope you all have a good week! 
Sister Gill 

Week 5 Getting help

Wednesday May 1st After doing a little training on my own I went to ask if they want me to shadow. The lady I was supposed to ask was busy so one of the older guys showed me and told me about the machinery. A little later a different older guy helped me resolve some duplicates on family search. It's interesting learning about things from 1700-1800 medicine wise. 
Thursday I did a session. Even though I was really tired I loved it. The initiatory line was dead which never happens so I was able to do all the names I had been working on finding. 
Friday I trained again with an older sister, I went through my tree with her and she said my tree is about as bad as hers. (There's a lot of duplicates etc and I'm not good at that. They are messy.) Later that night I met with the sisters and I found in gospel library app 'Gospel Topics'. There is a lot of topics in there so if you have questions about different things you should go look at it and see if it covers your questions! That night I read Mormon 9: 31 and I loved it so thought I'd share it. 
Sunday the 5th we had stake conference. A few things I liked from it 
The music 1st a mix up of Sisters in Zion and Army of Helaman. Then Hope of Israel I think. For me the music that day was very powerful. 
-When you serve it isn't about you, it's about everyone else. 
-Be ready for whatever is asked. 
-If we want to be pure, we need to put those things that can connect to sin away and keep them away. 
-Study it out in mind, then ask. You will get an answer in His way and time. 
-He isn't called because of who he is today, He is called because of who He will become. 
Also my stake president just got released. It is kind of sad. I'm thankful for his kindness and all his help. 
Monday I bagged kids food for 8-10 schools with another lady. We did 15-50 bags of food per school. It was a little nice to change it up and do something new. 

Sister Jessica Gill 

Week 4 Without Him I am nothing

Hi everyone! I'm a month in, a little wild! Hope you are all doing good. 

Tuesday April 23rd I went to the temple with my aunt. 

Wednesday April 24th I trained for the first part of the day and listened to conference talks. Later I went with the sisters. We just kind of had a spiritual vomit (we just talked the whole time about spiritual things.) There was a few times like when we talked about Christ and the atonement the Holy Ghost got really strong for shorts amounts of time. I don't know if it'll make since to you, but it did at the time so I wrote down "You will never not have a little piece of his presence unless its outer darkness." one of the sisters said that. 

Thursday the 25th when I was at the temple had a huge feeling I needed to read Joseph Smith-History but didn't have the chance during the first part so I read it in initiatory. The entire time I was at the temple I was super drawn to that. It's been a while since I read that, I got a lot out of that.

Friday the 26th I trained. Later that night I ran into the scripture Mormon 2:26 "..the strength of the Lord was not with us; yea, we were left to ourselves, that the Spirit of the Lord did not abide in us; therefore we had become weak like unto our brothern." That reminded me of a farewell when said "We don't convert them, we teach the truth of what we know and the Holy Ghost comes in and they will know it is true." I love that! 

Saturday I did initiatories by myself which was a little nice and nerve wracking but mainly nice. I talked to a girl, she graduated in 2012. She is married with her 3rd baby on the way. For a few minutes we talked about trials and she told me most of her friends still aren't married but she knows it's all in His timing. I love that she said it's in His timing, not ours. I also went for the first time in over a month and did baptisms with my sister. It was nice. 

Monday the 29th I sorted a lot of canned food, I was a little surprised at how much got done with the few amount of people that was there. and that's all for this week. :) 

Your favorite service missionary, 
Sister Jessica Gill 

•Temple with my aunt. 

 •Better one with the sisters (yes, I know I'm short).
•Temple with my sister. (Not a great picture but it works.)
 •Quote for the week. 

Week 3 Easter and 3 birthdays!

Hello Everyone! 
I hope you are all doing good. 
Tuesday April 16th was my moms birthday. She came over and brought my siblings to a park. It was fun to be together again. (Happy Birthday, Mom!)
Wednesday April 17th I started out indexing. I had a difficult time reading the handwriting. I kind of had to guess. A little later I had a weird feeling I needed to go back and Google the cities of the state. I looked it up and almost immediately found the correct one. If you sincerely try, the Holy Ghost will guide you! The rest of the day I mainly looked at my family trees ancestors memories. It was cool to read different backgrounds and stories. 
Thursday April 18th I went to the temple with my Grandma Gill. I love the temple and the peace and help you can receive. I'm slowly gaining a love for those who have passed on. I'm thankful for the plan of salvation! I know the people on the other side are helping us! My grandma while waiting for initiatory opened her scriptures and I glanced down and saw she had turned to Joshua. I showed her Joshua 1:9 because that's my favorite scripture. Made my day! 
Also Happy Birthday to BOTH my grandpas Thursday. :) 
Friday April 19th 
I'll leave some pictures from that day. Also in the evening my siblings came over last minute. I was really tired. I had a weird feeling traffic was going to be wild so I said a little prayer of help. As we were going around town it was hectic but I felt a presence there helping us keep safe and it helped me. 
Saturday April 20th was the first service mission meeting. In Sister C talk, She once visited Jerusalem. She expected a feeling there. "When we turned to leave the tomb, there was a plaque on the door that said, "He is not here, for he is risen." Those words entered my heart. I thought that is why I was not feeling what I had hoped for. He is not in his tomb. He is not dead. He is alive. He has left the tomb."  That gave me the shivers. I know He lives and loves us. He is there not only when we make mistakes, but feel joy, sadness, etc. I love my Savior and I know He loves all of you. He has risen, and because He has we can have hope. 
Later I went and talked with the sisters again. I'll leave a pictures of us. Not great picture but the sisters really helped me especially during my first week. :) 

I feel like I could have done a little better this last week so I'm going to try a little harder this week. Also thanks for all the responses and the emails I have been getting. They have helped me a lot! 

Your favorite service missionary, 
Sister Jessica Gill 

•Statue because I had no idea there was a statue here at the family history center. 

•Me and Sister Yonk. She has been at the family history center for almost a year.
 She helped me a lot my first few days there. Her last day is May 1st.  I will miss her! 

•Easter quote picture (this one is one of the first ones that I have taken the picture of the background and used it.)

•Last is me with the 2 sisters. I got brave and asked for a picture. :) 

Hopefully I sent the right pictures. 

Week 2

Wednesday (4/11/19) 
I mainly trained and for the last part I indexed. I was on my own for most of the day which was nice to do things on my own, but at the end of the day I felt like I didn't do much and kind of wasted the day. As soon as I stepped outside I saw the temple. I got a feeling that even the smaller things like indexing aren't a waste of time. It helped me realize that even when I feel like I'm not doing much, the smaller things matter. I love seeing the temple! 
Thursday 4/11/19 
I was able to meet with sisters and study with them for about an hour. It was very nice and helped me remember my purpose serving as a full time missionary no matter the type. Later I went to the temple and I didn't really get anything big out of the endowment but as I was waiting to get initiatory started, I prayed for help not really knowing what help I needed or what to ask for. I just prayed for help. Within minutes I got the thought "He doesn't expect me to be perfect, just for me to do my best." That really helped me, especially on Sunday. 
Saturday 4/13/19 
My grandpas brother helped me with family history and then we talked about the importance of some of the things on family search. It was nice to semi-understand things. 
Sunday 4/14/19 
I seemed to be doubting a lot in the evening what I am doing. Wondering if I made the right decision to serve. It was kind of intense. Whenever I get really anxious and it tends to get bad and hard right at the end I have noticed my Savior steps in and helps me to push through. I realized late in the evening that every time I have struggled with something and get really nervous that I have been able to find the help I need in some way or form. He has helped me every step of the way. I am thankful. 

Your favorite service missionary, 
Sister Jessica Gill 

Ps. I don't know if I should be sharing pictures since we all live near Logan but I feel weird not sharing pictures. So here's stepping out of the family history center and seeing the temple. 

and not the best quote, but it works.  

Week One 4/9/19

First I think it would be good to share, I am serving at my local Family History Center, Food Pantry and as a Patron at the temple. (By the way if anyone wants to go with me to do a session, let me know. I am allowed and actually encouraged to go with others.) I got set apart as a missionary Tuesday night, April 2nd. I am just going to share a few notes I took the days I took notes.
Wednesday, April 3rd was my first day at the family history center. I have little experience with Family Search so I am learning more about that and I have zero experience before hand with indexing. I spent a lot of time doing family search first. Call me weird or whatever you want, but like I said I have had no experience with indexing and about an hour before I started and was doing Family Search the thought came to my mind randomly that indexing is just typing records that ancestors/people who have passed on have wrote. And that IS what it is. There is definitely a special Spirit there and I can tell the little I have been there I have been guided. Also, I can't remember if it was on Family Search or indexing but for those who don't know my birthday is Aug 6, 1998, I found a guy and his birthday was Aug 26, 1898. May be silly but that got me excited. 
Thursday, April 4th I went with one of my grandma's and did a session and initiatory in the temple. I was kind of struggling that day and struggled a little with concentrating. I struggled the whole session, but as soon as we left the Celestial room and went to the initiatory I felt a lot of Peace and everything was going to be okay. (It wasn't nerves, it was struggling with personal things.) I am thankful for the peace the temple brings. 
Then there was General Conference. I love hearing from our church leaders! I tried to just pick a few and ended choosing these. I know it may be a lot, but they stood out to me and I felt like sharing! 
I didn't put quotes on them because I don't know for sure if I worded them right etc. I will put the quotes at the end along with pictures one quote I did and my badge because I am learning this isn't easy, but it will be worth it. 
Monday April 8th was my first day at the food pantry. Because of my previous work experience (mainly Sams Club, which is most recent) I did a lot of lifting and moving around and walking. So that helped me major with starting this. Heavenly Father knows what he is doing! Fun story, we were going through strawberries and taking the gross and moldy ones out and keeping the fresh for people. And after we finished they said the strawberries needed to be moved. I was closest so I asked where to move them and the lady looked at me like I was crazy (because I am a small person and it was a big pile so they didn't they I could.) So I picked them up and she ran by me and asked if I was sure I could do it by myself. I told her they were light and she was a little amazed. Made me laugh. One other thing was when we were collecting things we did it in a line. A different lady behind me, I told her I am new so she can go ahead. She stayed where she was and waited patiently and kindly. She reminded me of Christ and it helped me a lot. I made a few little mistakes but she quietly ran up and told me how to do it correctly. I am thankful. I couldn't stop thinking throughout the day of the scripture Mosiah 2:17 "And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow being ye are only in the service of God." Since finishing my mission papers and trying a little harder to be better, I have found a few ways to do service for a few people. I can testify to you that it is true, if you are serving others you are serving Him. 
Even though it has been hard to be new I am thankful for those who are patient in teaching me and kind. I have been struggling and feel like a slight idiot because I don't know. But my Grandpa once told me "Just because you don't know doesn't make you an idiot." That has helped me a lot lately. I at times get nervous and feel like I will get yelled at for doing something wrong, but I haven't. This isn't easy, but I can feel my Saviors presence when I am really struggling and I can tell he is near and helping me. 

YW & YM motto does not expire when we leave YW/YM. -Craven 
We live in a world with many voices, all can be helpful but not reliable. -Homer 
The first commandment make things (like eating lunch with someone alone) following that (when you are serving others, you are serving him.) -Waddell 
No matter the type of mission, if you serve with all your heart, might, mind and strength you will find joy. -Eyring 
If ye have the desire, why are you holding back? -Held 
"Are you also walking away" Jesus said, "Where shall we go?" They said back. -Andersen 
Repentance is a joy, not a burden. -Oaks 
You're personal testimony is your protection. -Rasband 
We must get protection. He is like a snake and will snake in when least expect. -Rasband 
(Sorry if it is long. I am new to this.) 

Sister Jessica Gill