First I think it would be good to share, I am serving at my local Family History Center, Food Pantry and as a Patron at the temple. (By the way if anyone wants to go with me to do a session, let me know. I am allowed and actually encouraged to go with others.) I got set apart as a missionary Tuesday night, April 2nd. I am just going to share a few notes I took the days I took notes.
Wednesday, April 3rd was my first day at the family history center. I have little experience with Family Search so I am learning more about that and I have zero experience before hand with indexing. I spent a lot of time doing family search first. Call me weird or whatever you want, but like I said I have had no experience with indexing and about an hour before I started and was doing Family Search the thought came to my mind randomly that indexing is just typing records that ancestors/people who have passed on have wrote. And that IS what it is. There is definitely a special Spirit there and I can tell the little I have been there I have been guided. Also, I can't remember if it was on Family Search or indexing but for those who don't know my birthday is Aug 6, 1998, I found a guy and his birthday was Aug 26, 1898. May be silly but that got me excited.
Thursday, April 4th I went with one of my grandma's and did a session and initiatory in the temple. I was kind of struggling that day and struggled a little with concentrating. I struggled the whole session, but as soon as we left the Celestial room and went to the initiatory I felt a lot of Peace and everything was going to be okay. (It wasn't nerves, it was struggling with personal things.) I am thankful for the peace the temple brings.
Then there was General Conference. I love hearing from our church leaders! I tried to just pick a few and ended choosing these. I know it may be a lot, but they stood out to me and I felt like sharing!
I didn't put quotes on them because I don't know for sure if I worded them right etc. I will put the quotes at the end along with pictures one quote I did and my badge because I am learning this isn't easy, but it will be worth it.
Monday April 8th was my first day at the food pantry. Because of my previous work experience (mainly Sams Club, which is most recent) I did a lot of lifting and moving around and walking. So that helped me major with starting this. Heavenly Father knows what he is doing! Fun story, we were going through strawberries and taking the gross and moldy ones out and keeping the fresh for people. And after we finished they said the strawberries needed to be moved. I was closest so I asked where to move them and the lady looked at me like I was crazy (because I am a small person and it was a big pile so they didn't they I could.) So I picked them up and she ran by me and asked if I was sure I could do it by myself. I told her they were light and she was a little amazed. Made me laugh. One other thing was when we were collecting things we did it in a line. A different lady behind me, I told her I am new so she can go ahead. She stayed where she was and waited patiently and kindly. She reminded me of Christ and it helped me a lot. I made a few little mistakes but she quietly ran up and told me how to do it correctly. I am thankful. I couldn't stop thinking throughout the day of the scripture Mosiah 2:17 "And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow being ye are only in the service of God." Since finishing my mission papers and trying a little harder to be better, I have found a few ways to do service for a few people. I can testify to you that it is true, if you are serving others you are serving Him.
Even though it has been hard to be new I am thankful for those who are patient in teaching me and kind. I have been struggling and feel like a slight idiot because I don't know. But my Grandpa once told me "Just because you don't know doesn't make you an idiot." That has helped me a lot lately. I at times get nervous and feel like I will get yelled at for doing something wrong, but I haven't. This isn't easy, but I can feel my Saviors presence when I am really struggling and I can tell he is near and helping me.
YW & YM motto does not expire when we leave YW/YM. -Craven
We live in a world with many voices, all can be helpful but not reliable. -Homer
The first commandment make things (like eating lunch with someone alone) following that (when you are serving others, you are serving him.) -Waddell
No matter the type of mission, if you serve with all your heart, might, mind and strength you will find joy. -Eyring
If ye have the desire, why are you holding back? -Held
"Are you also walking away" Jesus said, "Where shall we go?" They said back. -Andersen
Repentance is a joy, not a burden. -Oaks
You're personal testimony is your protection. -Rasband
We must get protection. He is like a snake and will snake in when least expect. -Rasband
(Sorry if it is long. I am new to this.)
Sister Jessica Gill